With our new Green Clean Concept, we protect the environment and health by avoiding harmful high-level chemicals in the air (aerosols) and water, as well as plastic and CO2. Furthermore, we create a higher, sustainable state of hygiene and save over 90% water/ Sewage. Furthermore, the groundwater is collected and used to flush toilets. Now it's your turn - we would be happy to include you in our new GREEN CLEAN CONCEP: we ask you to forego cleaning once a week - we would be happy to do that every Monday (if you prefer daily cleaning, you can register this with reception)
* Laundry - We wash everything in the hotel - so no need for transportenergy
* Energy - All lighting is LED
* Regionality - We source almost all of our food from the local region
* Recyling - The waste is carefully separated and recycledrecyclingplastic
* Plastic free - we portion in small glasses
* Charging station - We offer charging for electric cars and Teslas for a fee
* Car-free vacation - Everything in Fiss is within walking distance - so leave your car parked